Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bears on TV!

Wow, guess what I just found? Last fall I was a guest on "Journeys 'n' Journals" on KBLN Better Life TV. Bernie Martin Beck hosts this very neat program which is now available online.[]

If you have a moment, listen or view the show.

"Everybody Loves a Bear" - Denise Fields View OnlineListen Online
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Is it Picnic Time?

Teddy Bear's Picnic that is. Well of course, any time is good, but now you can go outside! When I was young, and falling in love with bears, I had many a TBP inside in the winter. I guess it would be rightly called a tea party, not a picnic. By the back door of our log cabin, there would be a little snow if you lifted the tarp strip on the bottom of the door [you know, the draft stopper]. One could scoop a teensy bit, let it set near the round wood heater [the one with the isinglass windows in the front] and soon it melted and you had 'tea' for a bear party. I'm not sure why that seemed such fun, but it was and is a treasured memory to this day.
Is it any wonder I enjoy making memory teddy bears? Preserving memories for others, creating heirloom treasures, this is a job I truly love. If you'd like to visit my web site, Home of the Bellybutton Bears, just click there to drop in. Email me any questions at Between us, we'll come up with a way to turn your special items into a memory bear to treasure.